With the Media Campaign Fort Van Der Wijck is expected to attract people to visit places of this tour. As for the development of the system used is a multimedia development methodology according to Luther Sutopo which consists of six stages. Data collection methods used in this research is to study literature, documentation, interviews, questionnaires, and observations. To attract the interest of the community and assist the manager in promoting historical tourism, conducted a study to create a media campaign that utilizes smartphones based on Android. Pengalaman hanya sekejap di Jogja saat liburan sekolah lalu, bikin Chi ngebayangin bakal bisa memuaskan diri lagi di Jogja walaupun gak menginap. many people who still lay for information about the fort is a good history, architecture, as well as rides and existing facilities so that tourists are less interested in visiting places travel this history. Benteng Van Der Wijk - Rencana di hari kedua, dari Gombong kami akan menuju ke Jogja.Bermain seharian di Jogja kemudian sore atau malam harinya pulang ke Bandung. Indo Power MS with the managing director DR. From the beginning of the construction of this fort has undergone several transition function to eventually serve as the historical sights as well a recreational park children by PT. Fort Van Der Wijck is one place that is a silent witness how the struggle of Prince Diponegoro that time.

Selviana Rhodhotul Muawanah, Rahman Rosyidiįort Van Der Wijck is one of the attractions in the district Gombong, Kebumen. 25.000,- Tarif parkir motor Rp 3.000,-Sedang Tiket masuk Goa Jatijajar Rp 7.500 kalau anda menggunakan jasa calo anda hanya membayar Rp 5. MEDIA PROMOSI BENTENG VAN DER WIJCK BERBASIS ANDROID Apa anda tertarik untuk mengunjungi Objek Wisata Benteng Van Der Wijck dan Goa Jatijajar Kebumen Harga tiket masuk Benteng Vander wijck Rp.